Tokyo’s Revenge Net Worth

How much is Tokyo’s Revenge’s net worth? Tokyo’s Revenge is a 20 years old rapper from Connecticut, United States with estimated net worth of $200 thousand. He is best known for his song “GOODMORNINGTOKYO!,” released in 2019. His discography includes MDNGHT (Side A) and MDNGHT (SIDE B) (2019). Here is all you need to know about Tokyo’s Revenge’s wealth.

Who is Tokyo’s Revenge and what is his net worth?

Tokyo’s Revenge Net Worth: $200 Thousand
In Euro: €109 thousand
In British Pound: £92 thousand

Real name: Unknown
Nickname: gr444veyard
Age: 2000 aka 20 years old.
Place of Birth (City/State/Country): Connecticut, USA
Musical genre: Hip hop music
Started in music professionally: 2018
Record companies: Independent.

Here’s a list of some Tokyo’s Revenge’s top songs…

  • THOT! (ft. ZEDSU)
  • Clark Kent
  • Drug Lullaby
  • loveme!

“GOODMORNINGTOKYO!” was first introduced on Youtube in October 2019 and at this moment it has more than 12 million views and more than 210 thousand likes.

Similar Artists’ Net Worth Comparison

– Flo Milli has an estimated net worth of 250 thousand dollars
– Quin Nfn’s net worth has accumulated to approximately 500 thousand dollars.
Sueco the Child has assets reportedly of $575K.