Masego Net Worth

How much is Masego’s net worth? Masego is a 26 years old singer from Jamaica with estimated net worth of $1 million. He is best known for his song “Tadow”, released in 2017. His discography includes Loose Thoughts (2016) and The Pink Polo EP (2016). Here is all you need to know about Masego’s wealth.

Who is Masego and what is his net worth?

Masego Net Worth: $1 Million
In Euro: €1.04 million
In British Pound: £905 thousand

Real name: Micah Davis
Age: 8th of June 1993 aka 26 years old.
Place of Birth (City/State/Country): Kingston, Jamaica
Musical genre: Future Soul, R&B, House music, Jazz fusion.
Started in music professionally: 2013
Record companies: TrapHouseJazz.

Here’s a list of some Masego’s top songs…

  • Navajo
  • Girls That Dance
  • Shut Up And Groove
  • Wifeable (With Sax) feat. Xavier Omär

Video ‘Tadow’ got the biggest number of views on Youtube during the singer’s career, exactly more than 30 million.

Similar Artists’ Net Worth Comparison

– Monte Booker has an estimated net worth of 270 thousand dollars
– Tom Misch’s net worth has accumulated to approximately 520 thousand dollars.
– Ravyn Lenae has assets reportedly of $460K.