Jorja Smith Net Worth

How much is Jorja Smith’s net worth? Jorja Smith is a 21 years old singer from Walsall, United Kingdom with estimated net worth of $1.3 million. She is best known for her song “Let Me Down”, released in 2018. Her discography includes Project 11 (2016) and Lost & Found (2018). Here is all you need to know about Jorja Smith’s wealth.

Who is Jorja Smith and what is her net worth?

Jorja Smith Net Worth: $1.3 Million
In Euro: €1.1 million
In British Pound: £930 thousand

Real name: Jorja Alice Smith
Age: 11th of June 1997 aka 21 years old.
Place of Birth (City/State/Country): Walsall, England, UK
Musical genre: R&B, alternative R&B, pop, dancehall.
Started in music professionally: 2011
Record companies: FAMM.

Here’s a list of some Jorja Smith’s top songs…

  • Let Me Down (feat. Stormzy)
  • Where Did I Go?
  • Blue Lights
  • Beautiful Little Fools
  • Carry Me Home

Video ‘Something In The Way’ got the biggest number of views on Youtube during the singer’s career, exactly more than 7 million.

Similar Artists’ Net Worth Comparison

– Sabrina Claudio has an estimated net worth of 650 thousand dollars
– Ravyn Lenae’s net worth has accumulated to approximately 460 thousand dollars.
IAMDDB has assets reportedly of $395K.