How much is Ivan B’s net worth? Ivan B is a 22 years old rapper from San Francisco Bay Area, United States with estimated net worth of $100 thousand. He is best known for his song “Our Time Together”, released in 2016. His discography includes Forgive Me for My Honesty (2017) and The Pursuit (2014). Here is all you need to know about Ivan B’s wealth.
Who is Ivan B and what is his net worth?
Ivan B Net Worth: $100 Thousand
In Euro: €81 thousand
In British Pound: £71 thousand
Real name: Ivan Paniagua
Age: 12th of January 1996 aka 22 years old.
Place of Birth (City/State/Country): San Francisco Bay Area, California, USA
Musical genre: Hip hop, underground hip-hop
Started in music professionally: 2014
Record companies: Ivan B
Here’s a list of some Ivan B’s top songs…
- Our Time Together (ft. Marie Elizabeth)
- Didn’t Know Better (feat. Breana Marin)
- I’m Sorry
- Aggression
- Need You Still (feat. Keith Fontano)
Video ‘Sweaters’ got the biggest number of views on Youtube during the rapper’s career, exactly more than 12.5 million.
Similar Artists’ Net Worth Comparison
– Witt Lowry has an estimated net worth of 350 thousand dollars
– NF (rapper)’s net worth has accumulated to approximately 600 thousand dollars.
– Futuristic has assets reportedly of $1 million.