Bandhunta Izzy Net Worth

How much is Bandhunta Izzy’s net worth? Bandhunta Izzy is a 21 years old rapper from Baltimore, United States with estimated net worth of $380 thousand. He is best known for his song “In Love Wit Da Trap”, released in 2017. His discography includes Code Blue (2017). Here is all you need to know about Bandhunta Izzy’s wealth.

Who is Bandhunta Izzy and what is his net worth?

Bandhunta Izzy Net Worth: $380 Thousand
In Euro: €325 thousand
In British Pound: £288 thousand

Real name: Unknown
Nickname: Lor Izzy
Age: 30th of December 1996 aka 21 years old.
Place of Birth (City/State/Country): Baltimore, Maryland, USA
Musical genre: Hip hop music.
Started in music professionally: 2016
Record companies: Republic Records.

Here’s a list of some Bandhunta Izzy’s top songs…

  • Sauce Walk
  • Same Nigga
  • Bacc and Forth (ft. Bandhunta Jugg)
  • Boomin (feat. Key Glock)
  • Runnin Man

“Gummo Freestyle (6IX9INE Remix)” was first uploaded on Youtube in November 2017 and at this moment it has more than 2.5 million views and more than 31 thousand likes.

Similar Artists’ Net Worth Comparison

– Z money has an estimated net worth of 280 thousand dollars
– Yg Teck’s net worth has accumulated to approximately 175 thousand dollars.
– Lor Scoota had assets reportedly of $300K.